Neotec Computer Inc
1807 S Washington St
Naperville, IL 60565
Phone: (630) 717-6650
Proudly Serving the Chicago land Area
Our Microsoft Certified Technicians have a wealth of knowledge and skills, and their mission is to help you get the most benefit from your technology. When critical systems go down, we can get you going again.
On-Site Computer Repair - Home and Business
PCs are at the core of Neotec's business mission. We are committed to helping our customers get the value, convenience and enjoyment that they are looking for from their computer systems, while avoiding as much of the pain as possible.
PC Services include:
o PC Tune-up
o PC Selection, Installation and Setup
o PC Troubleshooting
o Hardware Installations/ Upgrades
o Software Installations/ Upgrades
o Internet and Email Access
o Virus Detection and Removal
o Spyware Detection and Removal
o Custom Built High performance PCs